Sri Haryani
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu manajemen  YKPN Yogyakarta

Social Security Administrator for Health  (BPJS Health) is governmental  institution giving public service to society, specializing in health, where participation is obligatory for all Indonesians. Services of BPJS for health refer to General Guidance of  Public Service, however, as health insurance provider to society, BPJS Health must  pay attention to the   quality of service. Study on “ The Analysis of  Public Service Quality for Satisfaction: Case Study on Participants of BPJS Health  in Yogyakarta Special Region” used service dimensions of tangibles (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), and empathy (X5) as independent variables and participation satisfaction of BPJS Health (Y) as dependent variables.  Collecting data by questionnaires distributed to respondents amounted to 86, while taking the samples  by convenience sampling method. Data analysis used SPSS Program 17.00, covering instrument test, classical assumption test, hypothetic test, and multiple linear regression. Validity test indicates that all items of questions of variables X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and Y are valid with t-count value (Pearson correlation) > t-table (0.214). The whole statement item variables X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, and Y is proven reliable shown the value of Cronbach 's Alpha > 0.60 The classical assumption of normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity showed normal distribution of data, between independent variables does not occur multicollinearity problems, and found no problem heteroscedasticity in regression models. T-test indicates that variable of tangibles and assurance partially  no affect on  participants satisfaction, while variables of reliability, responsiveness, and empathy effect  participants satisfaction. F-test indicates that variables of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy effect  participants satisfaction simultaneously. Analysis of multiple linear regression in equation Y = –  0.082 – 0.005X1 + 0.424X2 + 0.048X3 + 0.044X4 + 0.560X5. Value of Adjusted R Square = 0.658 indicates that 65.8% of satisfaction of participants is affected by tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy; while 34.2% of the remaining is affected by other variables that are not explained in this study.

Keywords: public service, service quality, satisfaction, BPJS Health.
One main assignment of government is to provide public services for society, consisting of administrative, goods and services. Various types of services that the public needs include education, health, transport, postal and others. Public services based on Minister Decree No.63/2003 on General Guidance of Public Service,  states that the provision of public services must comply with principles of public service consisting of transparency, accountability, conditionality, participative, equality of  rights, and balance between rights and duties.
Social Security  Administrator  (BPJS)  Health  is a legal entity set up to organize the health  insurance program,  in the form of health protection for participants to benefit health care and protection in fulfilling basic health needs for any person who has paid contribution (dues)  or contribution paid by the government (Presidential Decree No.12/2013). Participation in health insurance is classified into 2,  first, participants of Contribution Aid  Recipients (CAR) consisting of the poor and disables so that their contribution is paid for by the government. Second, participants of non-Contribution Aid Recipients (non CAR),  participants who are not classified into the poor consisting of wage recipient workers and their family members, non wage recipient workers and their family members, and non workers and their family members. Participation in health insurance is obligatory for both CAR  and non CAR as to cover all Indonesians.
With so many participants BPJS, large systems, and a relatively new institution, the implementation of  BPJS Health facing some obstacles. Preliminary survey the researcher conducted for 2014 indicates that public are less responsive to program of BPJS Health. Some reasons making public less responsive are generally wage recipient workers have been participated in health insurance program, while people who are classified into the poor and disable have owned Public Health Insurance (Jamkesmas) and Local Health Insurance (Jamkesda) cards. For the people who hold the card Jamkesmas and Jamkesda simply by migrating to BPJS, but for others  will create switching costs, such as registration fees, time, and effort to become a participant BPJS. In addition, a new thing also needs new understanding and raises doubt. There are complaints in the system "hierarchical referral" in which the second level of health care facilities only given when they can not be handled by first-level health facilities. To receive services at the second level health facilities must be accompanied by a referral from a first-level health facilities. Besides the “perception” of public indicating that health insurance given by private agency is better than health insurance given by the government. In relation to entrepreneur, there have not been clarities in terms of participation for employees who have been included in health insurance program  and Social Security for employees (Jamsostek), must they be included in BPJS Health? Must family members of employees be included in program of BPJS Health? Jamsostek program only provides guarantees for employees only. For employers which is already using other health insurance, should  they  be participants of BPJS Health?
In relation to the questions above, furthermore, office of BPJS  Health in districts/cities gives socialization to companies/institutions that need it. Socialization of BPJS Health can explain valid requirements and conditions in details, answer questions and discuss problems facing field. Process of socialization approaches BPJS  as public service provider with companies and employees as consumers that will receive service. However, as new institution,  people  still wait for performance of BPJS Health. Presidential Decree No.12/2013 states that participation in BPJS  Health is obligatory for all Indonesians, so that BPJS Health has no problems with total participants and loyalty of participants. Participation in BPJS Health is not merely determined by assurances  given and the services of the health facilities of the agency in collaboration with the BPJS for Health.
The difference of the characteristics of  participants Contribution Aid  Recipients (CAR) and non Contribution Aid Recipients ( non CAR), the needs and  expected service is also different.  The government shows  high commitment in implementing health insurance that is shown by the establishment of provisions governing the procedures for the registration and payment of dues by Regulation of BPJS Health No. 1/2015. In addition, there is discourse to improve Presidential Decree No.12/2013 as to comply with need. BPJS for Health is expected to fulfill or exceed what is public need and expectation  for health insurance. Djatmikowati (2009) stated that satisfaction of society for public service can be increased by improving service quality.
The objective of study is to understand whether service quality dimensions consisting of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy partially and simultaneously affect the participants satisfaction of BPJS  Health in Yogyakarta Special Region. Implementation of this study indicates that there is equality between BPJS Health and other insurance companies implementing of the health insurance program. It means that, if insurance companies are analyzed for service quality to correlate to satisfaction of consumers, then BPJS  Health can also be analyzed. Results of study are expected to be input in increasing service quality in BPJS Health in Yogyakarta.

In genaral, satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment that result from comapring a product’s perceived performance (or outcome) to expectation (Kotler and Keller, 2011).  BPJS participants would feel if he was satisfied or not with the services provided after comparing what happened with expectations or hope. Zeithaml, Berry & Parasuraman (1993) stated that there are three different levels of customer satisfaction: 1) desired service, which reflects what customers want; 2) adequate service, the standar of customers are willing to accept; 3) predicted service, the level of service cistomers beleive is likely to occur.  Expectation of  BPJS participants is formed by information provided  BPJS own, insurance company as competitor, hospital, polyclinic, Public Healthcare Center (Puskesmas), and physician serving the participants of BPJS  Health. Expectation is also formed from  their own experiences  and experiences of others to  BPJS Health service. Satisfaction also are relative, so that the participants BPJS hopes to one another can vary.  
Why is satisfaction of participants important for BPJS for Health as service provider?  Generally, customer satisfaction is a key to customer retention. A  highly satisfied customer generally stays loyal longer,  buys more as the company introduces new and upgraded products,  and talk favorably to anothers about the company  and its products (Kotler & Keller, 2011). Although participation in BPJS Health is obligatory, but participants who are not satisfied can switch to another insurance company that provides health insurance. Considering that this health insurance is also offered by various private and public insurance companies, both domestic and foreign, participants can feel that service given by BPJS Health is not lower quality than other health insurance providers. Meanwhile, Milen (2006) stated that evaluation of service users is a fundamental and integral part in measuring effectiveness and performance of a policy, even without evaluation of users, policy legitimacy is doubtful.
BPJS Health participants were satisfied with services received will convey to others, as to be “free promotion for BPJS Health. Participants feeling satisfaction will also give testimony to other individuals, that is generally more effective than marketing communication implemented by BPJS Health. On the other hand, participants who are not satisfied will convey to others, so it can be disadvantageous for BPJS  Health. Communication by participants feeling dissatisfaction will form grapevine that will distribute everywhere and be difficultly controlled by BPJS Health.
Considering  the significance of participant satisfaction with the service provided, many company are systematically measuring how well their treath customer, identifiying the factors shaping satisfaction, and changing operation and marketing as a result (Kotler & Keller, 2012).  BPJS  Health  need to measure participant satisfaction, identify factors that influence satisfaction, and change the services provided so that it can fullfil or even exceed the expectations of the participants. Fulfillment and exceeding of  expectation of participants may use some indicators of satisfaction such as convenience felt by participants when service is given, conviction of participants on given service, interest in coming again, and satisfaction for service given by employees.
Service quality
The current development shows the increasing interest of companies and government agencies to service quality. Companies such as insurance, hospital, banking, education, and hotel analyze given service quality whether it can fulfill need and expectation of consumers or not. Companies that can give more services than need and expectation of consumers will not be left by consumers. Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its aability to satisfy stated or implied  needs (Kotler & Keller, 2012). This definition indicates that quality centered  on consumers, whether products or services given by companies fulfill expectation or not, it depends on perception of consumers. According to Ziethaml, Parasuraman & Berry (1990), service quality as the extent of discrepancy between customer’s expectation or desire and their perception. It means that, a service is declared quality when consumers get service beyond what they expect  or desire.
Service quality is determined by expectation or desire of customers, so that it is important for company to understand  factors affecting expectation of customers.  Ziethaml, Parasuraman & Berry  (1990) stated that, at least, there are 4 factors affecting expectation of customers. First, what customers hear from other customers (word of mouth). A customer has expectation of high service quality, because he/she hears high rate of service quality from his/her family, friends, or neighbors. Second, characteristics of individuals and surroundings. Someone classified as "perfectionist" has high quality standards in all respects, including health quality standards.  Similarly, the urban community accustomed to receiving a quality service, then hopes for the service quality is also high. Third, the extent of past experiences with using a service could also influence customer’s expectation level.  Experience with the services provided by BPJS Health will form service expectations in the future. Services in the past will become the standard quality of service in the future.  Fourth, external communication from service provider play a key role in shaping customer’s satisfaction. The forms of marketing communications such as leaflets, brochures, billboards, and anything delivered by personal selling will affect the quality of service expected by consumers.
One instrument to measure service quality is SERVQUAL developed by Ziethaml, Parasuraman & Berry (1990) consisting of 5 dimensions. First, tangibles:  that is physical appearance of facilities, equipment, personnel/employees, and communication materials. Second, reliability:  it is competence or ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. Third, responsiveness:  it is willingness to help customers and provide prompt  services. Fourth, assurance: it is knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence. Finally, empathy:  it is caring, individualize attention the firm provides its customers.
From the company standpoint, the provision of quality services to support the company's sustainability. High quality is proven as one strategy to win competition, so that companies such as Mc.Donald’s, Federal Express, American Airlines, American Express, Domino’s Pizza, Disney World, Marriot, and IBM, that are  leading companies, are always obsessed with  service excellence Ziethaml, Parasuraman & Berry (1990). They use service exellence to differentiate their companies from competitors’, increase productivity, gain loyalty of customers, get positive word-of-mouth advertising, and self-protect from price competition.
Results of study by Kartikasari, Dewanto & Rochman (2014) indicate that service quality affects people conviction.  BPJS for health as service provider needs to give quality services to support sustainability of health insurance program. Legal umbrella to obligate all Indonesians to be participants of BPJS for Health will force all Indonesians to be participants. However, if the service provided BPJS can not fulfill people's expectations, there will be demands for a review of the provisions of BPJS Health.

Tangible Effect on the Participant Satisfaction
Tangibles becomes quality dimension that can be seen directly and really by external parties. By looking at the tangibles, BPJS participants who have not received services can predict the quality of the services that will be received  A participants who comes to office of BPJS Health can perceive service quality from  building and outdoor facilities such as parking lot, yard, terrace, toilet, and waiting room.  BPJS   participants like clean, orderly, and complete building and facilities, and they assess services in office of BPJS for health  as quality if building and facilities are clean, orderly and complete.
After participants entered the room, they will be served by employees of BPJS Health. Employees who have attractive physical appearance have high confidence. Employees having confidence will support services given to participants and communicate to external parties. This capital of confidence becomes tangibles for participants that they will accept quality services. Uniform dress of employees consistent with function and image of company can also form professional image, namely having reliable work competence consistent with their field. Nevertheless, perceiving work competence based on appearance is less accurate, but, in fact, appearance becomes first benchmark to assess one’s competence.
Promotion is believed as spearhead“ in  marketing, although company can produce quality products and services and sell these in low price, but, without support of promotion, its marketing is less successful. From aspect of promotion, customers will perceive product quality offered from materials used to make brochure, leaflet, banner, and billboard. If the material used for the promotion qualified, consumers will assess that goods and services are marketed well qualified.

Reliability Effect on the Participant Satisfaction
The meaning of word  reliable is to be believed. In the context of service quality, reliability is the ability to provide services that are reliable and accurate. The level of reliability is determined by the competence of personnel sourced from the expertise, knowledge, and experience. To give quality services, management must consider competence of employees, it can be conducted by participating them in training and development program.
To measure service quality from reliability dimension, such as, by seeing how the company fulfills its promise to do something by certain time. Participants of BPJS Health perceive that service quality of BPJS  is good if process and duration of services is same or quicker than promise. For service time, if announcement has been put, saying that service time is from 08.00 to 14.00, the announcement can be considered  as promise. When his service hours at the office BPJS not in accordance with the announced, then the service quality of the reliability dimensions is assessed low. Service time perceived good is time consistent with announcement. If service time is over but there are still participants who have not been served, the participants expect to be served and participants will perceive that service quality of BPJS Health is reliable.
Reliability dimension can also be realized when giving services, namely, by giving response and help truly. In the service process, participants often face the problem that requires the help of employees. With the help of conscientious participants expected the problem can be solved, but the case has not been able to solve the problem of participants, participants judged that BPJS is still reliable.
First impressions will determine the quality of service for participants. If the first service process participants felt that the service provided is exactly as expected or even exceed, the participants assess the quality of service received is  good.  With a good first impression, participants voluntarily will extend its membership. If at any time the service is not good, the participants still consider that the quality of service of the institution as a whole remained good. It just happened at the time of the service received is not as good as the first.
BPJS Health  participants considered that the service receives good quality if BPJS provide services as promised. BPJS as providers of health insurance programs provide some promises such as giving the identity card, the duration of the service process, the amount of contributions paid participants, and type of health services is guaranteed. If every promise above fulfilled, participants will percieve  that the services provided BPJS quality is good.

Responsiveness Effect on the Participant Satisfaction
Services are given to customers by employees, so this responsiveness is derived from readiness and ability of employees in giving services. Responsiveness of employees are reflected in conveying information when a services will be provided. In case of reference services, these services will only be given if participants have done first level services. Likewise, participants having more than one health insurance programs, the BPJS Health as first insurer will assure participants consistent with their rights, furthermore it is covered by other insurance or agency.
Responsiveness is also reflected from services given accurately. First thing to do is to arrange simple procedure so that participants coming can be served immediately. Service process can be accelerated by providing adequate quantity of counters as to minimize queue length. Shorter time to serve participants, service quality of this responsiveness dimension is higher.
Employees can also increase responsiveness by getting ready to help participants sincerely. Most of people have not understood procedure and requirements well to be participants of BPJS Health and how they use benefits. Responsiveness can be increased by assisting  potential  participants in process of registration, concerning requirements, sequence, and period of time. After being participants of BPJS Health, they may gain benefits of health facilities at first level and further facilities complying with valid requirements. In addition, participants of BPJS Health can also join other health insurance programs.
BPJS employee will serve many of the participants, while participants want to be served completely and unhurried. Therefore BPJS need to set the services process by  differentiate  the counter  PBI and  not  BPI. From counter Not PBI can be divided again into  counter  workers wage earners, counter workers not wage earners, and  counter not working. Counters distinction is intended to increase the specialization of employees, so it can handle problems quickly and completely and simultaneously speed up service participants.

Assurance  Effect on the Participant Satisfaction
 Health insurance became protective effort  provided to the public against the risks that can result in the distractions of normal life structure. To realize the quality of service assurance dimensions can be done with confidence BPJS in providing health insurance. Based on Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2013, the establishment and operationalization BPJS in Indonesia is legal. With this law, institutional BPJS Health and its employees will be confident that lead the assessment of the participants to the high service quality.
Employees of BPJS Health will always be polite to participants. In normal condition, friendly and polite attitude will be easily realized, but, in situation in which there are many participants that must be served and different problems may be cause of less polite. Services to participants may be given by emphasizing on importance of communication skill for employees serving in service division.
Service quality of assurance dimension will arise if employees have knowledge to answer questions of participants. Therefore, employees must understand requirements and procedure applicable to BPJS Health, that may be basis to answer questions of participants. Second, employees need to understand background of participants such as education, job, economic level, and domicile so that employees can estimate what information they have owned and what information they need. After substance of information is ready to give, finally information is communicated accurately.

Empathy Effect on the Participant Satisfaction
Employees who serve with empathy means serve to put himself in the situation as participants of  BPJS  Health.  In general, people want to be treated fairly, with dignity, and comfortable. Therefore,  employees should treat participants as they want to be treated fairly, with dignity, and comfortable. Fair service can be realized with who should take precedence in the service, namely came first. Services given to participants of BPJS  also must consider the aspect of self-esteem and dignity as human,  especially in giving services to participants who are  the contribution paid by goverment (CAR). In context of empathy, word “comfortable” is comfortable in heart, realized from services that do not make participants of BPJS  embarrassed, humiliated, offended, or angry.
Empathy can also be arise  by understanding specific need of participants. In certain cases, sometimes a person to register as a participant BPJS when in the process of treatment  in hospital, and expect financing in the hospital can be covered by BPJS Health. These patients require proof of membership in the form of an identity card, but the time required of the registration process until an identity card was completed about 2 weeks. In this  situation, the employee can show empathy with finding solutions to problems faced by the participants.
Currently most companies already involve employees in health insurance programs. The new regulations require companies to engage employees in BPJS Health, but there are some employees who retain insurance during use. Benefits coordination  between BPJS  and other health  insurance programs is realization of empathy, indicating that BPJS  understands need of some people on higher or comprehensive health insurance. Benefits coordination  between BPJS and other health insurance programs  can increase satisfaction of participants.
Previous research on BPJS for Health relatively few, because the BPJS  Health  was enacted in 2013. Study by Widyasih, Mubin, and Hidayati (2014) on Perception of  Public   for BPJS Services in Kendal Islamic Hospital (RSI)  and study by Rismawati (2014) on Services of BPJS  Health in Public Healthcare Center (Puskesmas) of Karang Asam,  Sungai Kunjang,   Samarinda. Their research with the object of health facilities that are used by participants of BPJS  Health (hospital and Public Healthcare Center), whereas in this study object was the office BPJS Health itself.  While previous research on the service quality  to satisfaction with the subject patient in hospitals and health centers, such as research Hadi (2014), Kartikasari, Dewanto & Rochman (2014), Suryani (2013), and Setiyanto (2013).
Based on literature review and previous research, the following hypotheses are formulated:
1)      Service quality consisting of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy partially affects participants satisfaction of BPJS  Health in  Yogyakarta Special Region.
2)      Service quality consisting of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy simultaneously  affects participants satisfaction of BPJS  Health in  Yogyakarta Special Region.

This research was conducted in Yogyakarta Special Region, with population of Yogyakarta being participants of BPJS Health, Branch of Yogyakarta. This research to be conducted multivariate analysis (multiple linear regression), the number of sample members at least 10 times the number of variables under research (Sugiyono, 2010). The research sample using six variables, the minimum number of respondents 60. The research sample using six variables, the minimum number of respondents 60. To improve the quality of research on aspects of representation of population characteristics, in this study is taken a sample of 86 respondents. Method of sampling used Non-probability Sampling, namely, Convenience Sampling that is technique to determine samples based on accidental, namely, anyone who accidentally meet researcher could be used as sample, if they  fulfills requirements as source of data (Wiyono, 2011). Requirements as source of data indicate that they  have been one of participants of BPJS Health, Branch of Yogyakarta.
Data were collected by questionnaires, while scale of measurement uses Likert scale with score ranging from 1 to 5, where score 1 is very disagree and score 5 is very agree with questions/statements. Analysis of data used SPSS 17.00, covering instrument test, classical assumption test, hypothetic test, and analysis of multiple linear regression intended  to understand functional and causal correlation between tangibles (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), empathy (X5), for satisfaction of participants of BPJS Health (Y).

Characteristics of Respondents
Characteristics of respondents give an overview of the respondents surveyed, which can be the basis for improving the quality of services or to make adjustments to the services provided during this time. From the  86 respondents, 53.33% of them are females and 46.67% of them are males. These findings indicate that proportion of female participants of BPJS Health is higher than male participants. Relatively balanced proportion indicates that provision of facilities correlates to gender, such as, toilet and praying room are also in relatively same proportion.
Based on the education level, showed that 4.44% of the respondents  education level is S2, 28.89% is  S1, 32.22% is Diploma and 34.44% is senior high school. By grouping into two, namely senior high school and universities/collage indicates that education levels of some participants coming to office of BPJS Health have university/college education (65,56%). These findings can be basis to give services appropriate with education of respondents. For example, BPJS   Health can give more transparent procedures, and competent officer to serve them. 
Analysis of respondents based on job types indicates that most of job types of respondents are private officer, 55.56%. Then successively followed by laborers (buruh)  (20%), civil servants (15.56%), and self-employment (8.89%). Most of the participants who need the service in the office BPJS are private sector officer  and laborer (75.56%). Both groups are “wage recipient workers”. These findings can be developed again by advanced research to respond  phenomenon many private sector officer  and workers who need the service.

Validity and Reliability
Test the validity of this research is done by looking at the value of Pearson correlation of each item questions/ statements given to the respondent. An item is said to be valid if the Pearson correlation value is greater than the value of r table at significant level of 0.05 (Wiyono, 2011). Validity test showed that all the instruments or statement items used to measure the six variables have a value above the Pearson correlation r table (0.214). Thus, all  items of  statement are declared valid.
Table 1. Results of Validity test
Reliability  (X2)
Satisfaction of Participants     
Source: Data processed by SPSS 17.00,  2015

Reliability test using Cronbach's Alpha method in which the statement assessed reliable if the Cronbach's Alpha > 0.60. Reliability test results for all of the variables have Alpha coefficients > 0.60. It can be stated that all items of research variables are reliable and can be used as the basis for data collection.

Table 2. Results of Reliability Test
Tangibles (X1)
Reliability  (X2)
Responsiveness  (X3)
Assurance (X4)
Empathy (X5)
Satisfaction of participants (Y)
                        Source: Data processed by SPSS 17.00, 2015

Classical Assumption Test
Requirements to be met in the regression model is the normal distribution of data. Normality testing with test samples  Kolmogorov  One-Smirnov, the data is declared in normal distribution if the significance is greater than 0.05 (Wiyono, 2011). With a significance level of 0.05, Kolmogorov-Smirnov significance value of 0.200 > 0.05. Thus, the data declared in normal distribution.

Table 3. Results of Normality Test  


Standardized Residual
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Source:  Data processed by SPSS 17.00, 2015

Requirements that must be fulfilled in regression model are absence of linear correlation between independent variables in regression model (there is no multicollinearity). Multicollinearity testing with value of varince inflation factor (VIF), if VIF < 5, then inter-independent variables do not face multicollinearity problems  (Wiyono, 2011). Value of variance inflation factor (VIF) of tangibles  = 1.606, reliability  = 3.235, responsiveness = 3.540, assurance  = 2.192, and empathy  = 1.895.  The value of  5 variables are less than 5  (< 5), so that it can be concluded that inter-independent variables do not face multicollinearity problems.

                  Table 4. Results of Normality Test  

Colinearity of  Statistics

Tangibles (X1)

Reliability (X2)

Responsiveness (X3)

Assurance (X4)

Empathy (X5)
a.        Dependent Variable: Satisfaction of participants
         Source: Data processed by SPSS 17.00, 2015

Requirements that must be fulfilled are absences of variances of residual for all observations in regression model  (there is no heteroscedasticity). Heteroscedasticity testing with Park test is regression of residual value (Lnei2) with each of independent variables. If –t table ≤ t count  ≤ t table, then there is no problem with heteroscedasticity (Wiyono, 2011). Results of heteroscedasticity test indicate that  value of t count  of tangibles  = 1,551; reliability = 0.777;  responsiveness = 0.650; assurance  = 0,467; and empathy = 1.506. While t table with df = n2 or 862 = 84 is 1.6632. Because value of t count is in –t table  ≤ t count ≤ t table, it can be concluded that no problem of heteroscedasticity is found in regression model.
                                    Table 5. Results of Normality Test 
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error

     Tangibles (X1)
     Reliability (X2)
     Responsiveness (X3)
     Assurance (X4)
     Empathy (X5)
a. Dependent Variable: Absolute Residual

  Source: Data processed by SPSS 17.00, 2015

Hypothetic Test
F test (simultaneous significance test) is used to determine whether all the independent variables have influence simultaneously on the dependent variable (Wiyono, 2011). Results of F test in Table 6 indicate that value of probability Pvalue  (sig) = 0,000  is less than 0.05.    It indicates that H0 is rejected, it means that independent variables consisting of variables of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy simultaneously affect satisfaction of participants of BPJS Health. These findings support study by Hadi (2014):  service quality simultaneously has significant effect on satisfaction of patients of RSI Sunan Kudus, Setiyanto (2013):  service quality has significant effect on satisfaction of  patients of RSU Dr. Moewardi, Suryani (2013): services have effect on satisfaction of patients of RSU Pirngadi Medan, and study by Kartikasari, Dewanto, Rochman,  service quality has direct effect on satisfaction of patients of RS Kandangan Surabaya. 

Table 6. Results of F test

Sum of Squares
Mean Square


a. Predictors:(Constant),tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy
b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction of participants 
          Source: Data processed by SPSS 17.00, 2015

            T test (partial significance) shows the extent of the influence of the independent variables individually in explaining the variation of the dependent variable (Wiyono, 2011). In this study, t test to determine the effect of variable tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy partially on participant satisfaction of  BPJS Health.
The results of data processing with SPSS 17:00 shows the significant value of tangibles  (X1) is 0.958,  higher than value of significance level (0,05).  Thus, H0  is accepted, it means that partially there is no effect between tangibles variables on variable of satisfaction of participants. If BPJS Health intends to increase satisfaction of participants, given efforts correlating to tangibles such as employees with neat and polite dress, building, room,  and facilities that  clean, orderly, comfortable and visible will not increase satisfaction of participants. These findings support results of study by Hadi (2014):  tangibles of  RSI Sunan Kudus does not significantly affect satisfaction. Nevertheless, in field of health, tangibles such as cleanliness and orderliness of toilet and waiting room,  and complete equipment and facilities cannot be ignored by health facilities such as hospital, Public Healthcare Center, and polyclinic as well as BPJS for Health as health insurance provider.
T significant value for the variable reliability (X2) 0,000 less than the significance level (0.05). Thus H0 is rejected, meaning a partial there is  effect between the variable reliability to variable participant satisfaction. With employees who provide services from the beginning, can be trusted, behave as expected participants, and can be consulted will increase the satisfaction of participants who come to the office BPJS Yogyakarta. These findings does’t support study by  Hadi (2014): reliability does not have significant effect on satisfaction of  patients of  RSI Sunan Kudus.  The speed  and accuracy in giving registration services, process of ICU, treatment control and physician, easy administrative procedure, and clear details of cost will not have effect partially on satisfaction of inpatients.
Value of significance t for responsiveness variable (X3) = 0.002   is higher than value of significance level (0.05).  Thus, H0 is rejected, variable of responsiveness (X3) partially has significant effect on increasing of satisfaction for participants. Assumption of other independent variables are constant,  employees with responsiveness to both services and answering questions of participants, and readiness to help will increase satisfaction for participants of BPJS for Health in  Yogyakarta. Results of this study are different from study by Hadi (2014): responsiveness does not have significant effect on satisfaction of inpatients of RSI Sunan Kudus. Nurses and physicians with responsiveness to complaint, understand systems and procedure partially do not have effect on satisfaction of patients.
Value of significance t for assurance variable (X4) = 0.651   is higher than value of significance level (0.05).  Thus, H0 is accepted,   it means that there is no effect between assurance  variables on variable of satisfaction of participants.  Assurance that establishment and operation of BPJS Health are legal, based on Presidential Decree No.12/2013 does  not partially have effect on satisfaction.
Services given consistent with standard applicable to BPJS Health will not have effect on satisfaction. Procedure of services used in BPJS Health is perceive complicated by respondents so that some respondents ever receiving services in office of  Yogyakarta BPJS Health, propose that the procedure is made simple.
Employees must understand requirements and procedure applicable to BPJS Health, that will be basis to answer questions of participants. However, understanding of requirements and procedure has not been sufficient, employees need to understand backgrounds of participants such as education, job, economic level, residence and other so that employees can estimate what information they have owned and what information they need.
Results of this study are different from study by  Hadi (2014):  assurance has significant effect on satisfaction of inpatients of RSI Sunan Kudus. Satisfaction of  patients of RSI Sunan Kudus can be realized by giving sincere and personal attention of nurses and physicians trying to understand patients’ desire. 
Table  7. Results of T-test and Regression

Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error

Tangibles (X1)
Reliability (X2)
Responsiveness (X3)
Assurance (X4)
Empathy (X5)
a. Dependent Variable:  Satisfaction of participants

             Source: Data processed by SPSS 17.00, 2015

Value of significance t for empathy  (X5) = 0.000   is lower than value of significance level (0.05).  Thus, H0 is rejected,  empathy variable (X5) partially has significant effect on increasing of satisfaction of participants of BPJS  Health.  Giving sincere and individual attention will increase satisfaction of participants. Serve with empathy means serving employees by placing him on as a participant BPJS. If he wants to be treated fairly, with dignity, and comfortable should BPJS employee can treat participants like himself would be treated. Included in understanding the specific needs to the problems faced by the participants BPJS. The results of this study support the research Hadi (2014): empathy significant effect on patient satisfaction in RSI Sunan Kudus.
Multiple Linear Regression
Analysis of Multiple Linear Regression is used to determine how fluctuation and direction of correlation between independent variables of tangibles (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), and empathy (X5)  on dependent variables of satisfaction for participants of BPJS  Health (Y).  SPSS 17.00  is used to produce the following equation of Multiple Linear Regression:
Y = – 0.282 – 0.005X1+ 0.424X2 + 0.048X3 0.044X4 + 0.560X5
Value of constant is – 0.282, it means that, if all independent variables of X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5  are equal to 0, there is no variables of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, so that satisfaction rate is negative 0.282 units. It means that participants of BPJS for Health will feel  dissatisfaction at 0.282 units.
               Regression coefficient of tangibles variable (X1)  =   0.005 indicates that each increase of tangibles at  1 unit, with assumption variables of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are constant will decrease satisfaction of participants (Y)   0.005 units.  Negative valued coefficient means that there is negative correlation between tangibles and satisfaction of participants of BPJS for Health. 
               Regression coefficient of reliability variable (X2)  = 0.424 indicates that reliability variable has positive effect on satisfaction of participants (Y).  Each addition of reliability variable at 1 unit,  with assumption other variables are constant, then satisfaction of participants will increasing at  0.424 units.        
The regression coefficient variable responsiveness (X3) = 0.048 indicates that any increase in the variable responsiveness (X3) positive effect on the participants' satisfaction (Y). If there is 1 additional unit of variable responsiveness, there will be an increase in satisfaction of participants at 0,048 units.
The regression coefficient assurance variable (X4) of -0.044 show any increase in the assurance by 1 unit, assuming the variable tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy are constant will decrease the participant satisfaction (Y) amounted to 0,044 units. The coefficient is negative meaning a negative relationship between the participant satisfaction and assurance of BPJS.  Health.
Regression coefficient of empathy variable (X5) = 0.560 indicates that empathy variable (X5) has positive effect on satisfaction of participants (Y). If there is 1 additional unit of variable empathy, there will be an increase in satisfaction of participants at 0,560 units.

  Table 9. Model Summaryb

R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a.     Predictor: (constant), tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy;
b.    Dependent variable: satisfaction of customers (Y)

         Source: Data processed by SPSS 17.00, 2015

Value of Adjusted R Square = 0.658 or 65.8% means that 65.8% of variable of satisfaction of participants (Y) can be explained by variables of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. While the remaining of 34.2% can be explained by other variables excluded in this study.

Simultaneously, variables of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy have effect on participants satisfaction of BPJS Health. Partially, variables of reliability, responsiveness, and empathy have effect on satisfaction of participants, while variables of tangibles and assurance  do not have  effect on satisfaction of participants of BPJS Health.
Analysis of Multiple Linear Regression indicates that variables of reliability, responsiveness, and empathy have positive effect on satisfaction of participants of  BPJS Health, while variables of tangibles and assurance have negative effect on satisfaction of participants of BPJS Health.
The independent variables that most influence on the participants' satisfaction BPJS is empathy variable, as indicated by the regression coefficient is greatest, namely 0.560.
Adjusted R Square = 0.685 means that variables of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy can explain variation of satisfaction of participants of BPJS Health (Y) = 65.8%. While 34.2% is explained by other variables excluded in this study.

Variables that affect the satisfaction ie reliability, responsiveness, and empathy are all human concerns, then to improve services must be based on the development of human resources.  Improvement human resources can be done in terms of training service excellence, effective communication and seminars to increase knowledge about the quality of services and public services. With hope, the employee can improve aspects of reliability, responsiveness, and empathy in serving participants BPJS.
Although partially variables of tangibles and assurance do not have effect on participants satisfaction of BPJS  Health, do not mean that the two variables can be ignored. For assurance variable,  appropriate with function as provider  health insurance,  BPJS  Health must give health security in order that society  gain benefits of health maintenance and assurance  in fulfilling basic need of health. For tangibles variable, although partially it does not have effect on satisfaction, it should remain to maintain aspects of tangibles in wearing uniform dress, facilities, building and room, which are clean, orderly and easy to find. In hope  is to increase professional image of employees and reinforce value of health, namely, clean and orderly.

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